The Dodo Experiment
Imprisoned in an abandoned warehouse, a desperate group of failing actors are trapped in a dark experiment. After months of endlessly rehearsing George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion with no director to guide them; some of the ensemble have disappeared leaving the others paranoid and subservient. Sleep-deprived and half-starved their fragile social bonds shatter and implode as a stranger breaks in and incites them to rebel.
Directed by Fiona Mackinnon
Written by Martin Travers and Chloe Wyper
Set Designer Christine Ting - Huan Urquhart
Costume Designer Elaine Coyle
Lighting Designer Stuart Jenkins
Sound Designer Calum Paterson
Produced by Citizens Theatre, Scotland
Photographer Samuel Temple (header image and images 1- 8 ) and Miheala Bodlovic (images 9 - end)